12 MP Olympus SP-590UZ Super-Zoom






Here at HavocArt the tiny sensored cameras that make up the super-zoom category are not high on our list of recommended camera gear but this little Olympus has snuck it’s way into our everyday camera bag so many times it has to receive it’s due appreciation.


The appeal is that wonderful Super Zoom. You just can’t beat zooming hundreds of yards closer to something when you’re in a situation that prevents you from moving your feet to get closer with a standard lens on a DSLR in case you forgot to lug your $3000 telephoto lens with you.

So the pictures aren’t always going to be mind blowing and some colors tend to get washed out but I took this to a baseball game where we were sitting as high up as they would allow and tried to capture the action which was too far to see without this camera and was pleasantly surprised. The pictures came out real clear and I could even catch the ball being pitched as it was being swung at with out losing a ton of light or clarity from that far distance.

(these baseball photos haven’t been cropped or edited in any way, just the watermark slapped on them.)


Some other remarks about this camera:

  • Takes AA batteries which is huge relief when you don’t want to worry about another custom charger battery combo to lug around
  • Takes $$Xd cards but there is an adapter for XD – micro-sd which I will include with this camera.
  • Plenty of manual features to enjoy being creative with your shots


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