The Price you set for the image and size your selling.

Guidelines: At minimum choose the price you would sell a print for. For instance if your a photographer and at an art show you would perhaps sell a 20″x30″ print un-mounted for $30 then that should be your asking price.  You will be paid 80% of the asking price. The other 20% will be used for our costs and fees.  Thus when we sell a 20″x30″ Mini-Art-Bar with your print on it you will receive $24.  Same for an Art-Frame or any other product we sell that can be mounted with that size.  You will choose prices for all available images and the applicable sizes.   The reason we do this, is it keeps you the artist in control of how much money you make, without directly affecting the profits of our craftspeople who have similar arrangements.  If our sales of products with your art on them exceeds $1000 in any given month you will receive 90% of your asking price on sales the following month.


There is not any FEE or cost to you up front to pay HavocArt to sell your Art. Your submission is free and we add the image to our product line at no cost to you.  If you sell your art the purchaser is paying  in full,  in advance.  We use that money to cover the cost of materials, prints, and labor.  Our other costs include typical things like administation costs, online transaction costs, craftsman royalties and artist royalties (your awarded percentage of your asking price) These royalties are paid out 15 days after a sale.   The 15 day delay helps us recover any costs from possible defects and returns.


YOUR ART is your property. Your images will be used strictly to produce the required print for production and for advertisement of  art on our Products at Your submitted art should have a sufficient watermark or we will provide one for images shown at  We will not deliberately alter your images in any way. If you have given permissions to other artists to alter or edit your work PLEASE let us know to avoid any Legal actions that may be brought against them by us.


Art in our store that has not sold for 90 days is subject for removal by HavocArt.  Art can be removed for ANY reason from our store by HavocArt.  Art that is submitted must be original and Art that is found to be plagiarized will be immediately removed and Legal action will be taken.  Images displayed on can be used for the purpose of promotion of  and affiliated artists.